AI Comparison

So, everyone, I’ve made a comparison between the new AI images. Not yet complete, of course, but a brief overview.

I have compared Midjourney with DALL E2, Fotor, Stable Confusion, Canvas and Runway / Gen2 with exact the same prompt-text.

Dall E3


Stable Confusion

Stable Confusion was a kind of confused. Didn’t get the prompt. Break down after 5 Minutes


Runway / Gen2

Gen2 also delivers a 4 second movie. However, this cannot be displayed by WordPress (error message), so the doors move slightly to the left and right.

Let it run, Midjourney … !!!

As before: Midjourney delivers breathtaking images. The small mistakes can be humorously overlooked. The other AI Bots first have to come onto this level to be respected.

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The End

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2 Kommentare

  1. Thank you for showing the comparison, because I have always wondered, as someone who used Midjourney first and decided to stick with it, how would different AI handle the same prompt ( and there are many examples online I am sure, but the ones I keep seeing the most recently are those of commercial design nature, whilst I am more interested in simple scenes like this). If the question is not too much, have you tried experimenting with different versions of Midjourney and how it handles the same prompt?


    • Hello Ororiel, well yes I started with V4 and came into V5. Midjourney made a huge jump with atmospherical scenes
      For me M. ist still the best AI, Although still a lot of mistakes. But never mind. It will soon be better I’m sure. Greetings Martin

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